Nicky emailed me this absolute corker and it made my day! Thank you so much! What an incredible sofa sight! I love the fact it looks like someone has been lounging with their feet up on the right handside armchair.
London snaps
Whist looking through my photos from my day trip to London, I noticed this guy looking at the camera, whilst eating an ice cream with such intensity. I call him ‘Ice Cream Man.’
Near the Southbank, Katie and I ended up walking over a bridge without thinking about where we were heading. Half way over we noticed a Skateboard/shoe/doll graveyard.
Then we saw a beach on the side of the Thames and thought ‘London really does have all the sights.’
And just look at the sky!!
Side of house
Yesterday I received a call from my friend Mara to say she had just driven past a house that was almost demolished, but had a window and door still standing. This was music to my ears and I couldn’t wait to go and have a look! Thank you for the amazing tip off. Here are the photographs I took. I really didn’t want to leave as I kept finding different details.
Yellow and grey walk
Yesterday I decided to take a break from my desk and go for a walk around Nottingham City centre looking for grey and yellow sights to photograph. It is really great to change your focus and look for specific colours around you. I found it really relaxing, even when I was crouching on the floor to take the photo.
At the end of my walk I bought myself these beautiful yellow roses for the bargain price of £2.
My wonderful Nan
After a lovely telephone conversation with my extremely creative and thoughtful Mum about collections, I realised I hadn’t shared what I think is the most wonderful collection I have ever seen. My Nan’s Salt and Pepper’s. I believe the best collections are started accidentally, and escalate when your back is turned. My Nan always said ‘I don’t even have Salt and Pepper on my food’ yet she had 158 sets. This made the collection ever more fantastic to me. We added to it as a family, buying them when we saw them and giving them as birthday and Christmas presents. For Christmas I made my Mum this poster of all of them together:
My Nan was so generous, had a cracking sense of humour, strong beliefs and principles…and she knew a bargain when she saw it. We loved going to charity shops together as it mixed two of the things my Nan loved to do, shop and get a good bargain in the process. She would always give me the confidence to buy it (whatever it was), and usually, if I’m totally honest, would buy it for me. It wasn’t just limited to charity shops, we had so many chats about the pound shop offers, and would be sent off with a bag of goodies every time we visited.
I think about my Nan every time I see a new Salt and Pepper in the shops and I smile. I resist the temptation to accidentally start my own collection. I have the collecting gene, as does my wonderful Mum and it’s one of my favourites.
I’m going to make a website dedicated to this collection. I think my Nan would have liked people to get to appreciate them.
By the side of the road
Sun lounger
Much needed walk
I really felt like a break today, so I went to visit one of my favourite buildings in Nottingham City Centre. The light was lovely and it was so quiet.
- Beautiful light
- Pigeon front door
Today in January
Since I can remember I have tried to write a diary, in some form or another. This year I thought I would share some of the descriptions I have given to a day in January. January is the most well documented month, I sometimes don’t even reach February.
I choose the first sentence that started with ‘Today…’ and here they are:
1997 – Today we went sleighing we met my form teacher there.
1999 – Today was a bit on the argumentative side but still enjoyable.
2000 – Today was nothing special, celloing all day an average Wednesday really.
2001 – Today was better than a crap day but not nearly as good as a good day.
2002 – Today wasn’t the best day it could have been but it was good.
2003 – Today was a really class day, I smiled all day.
2007 – Today I woke up as happy as Larry – unaware of last nights mishaps.
2009 – Today it was really good to start using the brain again.
2010 – Today I was full of beans at the prospect of having some well deserved time off work.
2012 – Today was hard to describe.
I am going to attempt, at the very least during January to keep a daily something.
Pigeon adventure
Me and my family went for a drive today and stopped off for a pigeon shaped adventure. There were so many of them and the sky was so blue! Me and my Brother, Theo love taking photos, and have completely different perspectives. When they all flew over head together and landed on the building opposite, they created such incredible shadows. Here are my two favourite photos: