Circumference, Width and Length

I have gathered most of my cardboard tube collection and decided to order them. I’m still not entirely sure what I find so attractive about cardboard tubes but I really do like them.




My house is my new studio space and it is working a treat so far. Just in the process of sorting out the spare room too.

Birthday tea

For Caroline’s birthday (Hope you had a lovely birthday!) I painted a tea cup for her birthday card. I have got a long way to go before I am any good, but buying a thinner brush meant I could capture more detail.

Pigeon friends

Whilst at work I noticed the pigeons dancing in the shadow cast by the window.

Shaving with Stanley

I had a very slow start to my Sunday. I went to the studio in hunt for string for a new idea. Once we’d opened the door it swelled up and became too big for the frame. We tried slamming it but no such luck. I phoned my Dad, Steve who came up with some cracking ideas but we had none of the necessary objects to help; hair dryer, extension cable, rope or appropriately sized piece of wood. I ended up having to use what we had, shaving the door with the aid of a Stanley knife. A laborious task but after some time it closed and we could go home to try out my new string idea!

I was having a cup of Earl grey with Phil and the topic of the Shroud of Turin came up. Phil was telling me about all the conspiracy, especially with particular reference to the ‘Analysis of optical perspective‘. This is the idea that the face would be distorted if the Shroud had been a result of the cloths contact with the face, because of the contours. This made me think about how my face would be represented if measured by string. I have had a first attempt today and you can see that the nose is particularly affected by the distortion.

Filled in

I go past this wall everyday on the way to and from work. I think it’s beautiful. I wonder why it has been filled in and what it’s function is now.


Happy New Year!

There are a few things that I would like to achieve this year. I’m not a huge celebrator of New Year, however I always use it as a good opportunity to re-assess.

I think the two things that I really want to do is take at least a photo a day and write down at least a conversation a day. Here are my photographs:

My first conversation of the New Year was at 12.01am to a chap who thought it was a wise idea to shake up two bottles of beer and spray it on everyone in celebration. This didn’t go down particularly well, so my friend poured the remains of her gin and tonic over his head. My conversation with him went like this:

‘I don’t know why she did that.’

I explained that he had just sprayed everyone with beer.

‘I didn’t do it on purpose.’

I explained that that was not the truth and he had shaken them up and released the contents.

He seemed to accept this and later walked over and apologised.

[While all this was going on, the beer that hadn’t landed with immediate affect over us, was now dripping down on us from the ceiling.]

Cats at Christmas

Today I have been mostly using a digital SLR to document Christmas day. My favourite photo’s are these portraits of my parents cats, Ella and Rosa. They both look like they are waiting for the food to be served.

The above photo is quite dark but I like the fact that it looks quite dramatic, considering the subject matter is so light hearted. I have been using a normal digital camera for so long, it was amazing to have a bit more control and being able to experiement.

Discarded furniture – Out and about in the city

I have worked by socks off this weekend and it feels great!

Idea 1 – Pack of prints

Idea 2 – Book of photos

I am so excited to have produced two ways to display my discarded furniture photos. I think I am in favour of Idea 2 because I think a book is more practical. I am hoping to make enough of them to sell them at Hockley Arts Market next weekend! Even if I don’t manage to make many, I have that feeling of finishing something and ticking something of my ever-growing ‘To do’ list.


My second attempt at watercolour painting. It was such a relaxing Saturday afternoon activity. I am going to do some experimenting with different ways to use the brush now.

Cocoon 14.11.09Cocoons at the Butterfly farm



I'm an amateur, but a happy one

After going to the butterfly farm in Stratford this weekend, I had a huge urge to paint watercolour butterflies. I bought myself one of those boxes that you get when you’re a child, with all the essentials to get you started. I can see looking at the photo and my first attempt side by side that I haven’t quite finished and I have a long way to go. However, I am extremely happy to have had a go.

Butterfly 10.11.09Original

I have found this website which has lots of advice and ways of using watercolour (with a toothbrush for example) that I would never have thought of.

I have always had a strained relationship with painting. I think this is because your first experiences of art at school is painting and I never felt like I could get my ideas across successfully through it. One of the reasons that I am drawn to giving it a go again is probably my feeling of lacking in skill. A part of me thinks that if I can watercolour, I will have a skill that is more widely accepted.

Which makes me think, maybe I should take up the cello again…