Whilst walking past one of the meeting rooms at work I spotted these sofa’s piled on top of each other. I had heard whisperings that there is a concern that they will be thrown out during the refurbishment. I am hoping that they will go to a better home, however if they are thrown out on to the streets, I shall be the first to be there with my camera. I like to think of myself as the equivalent of the storm chasers in 90’s movie Twister, but with much much less risk taking!
The lift is boarded up with wood and gaffa tape. I think I prefer the way it looks now. More lifts should edge away from the traditional mental and mirror look.
There is risk attached to everything Miss Rebs…that discarded furniture lying battered and broken in the street may have just been chucked from a tenth floor window! Promise me you’ll always look up before you start snapping away 😉