
I’m off for a walk in the park to think up a timetable for the next week. Have to be really strategic to get everything that I want completed. Also, there’s nothing worse than sitting in a badly lit living room, wrapping string around your hand, when the sunshine is winking at you. I am hoping a brisk walk will remove me of all excess energy and I will want nothing more than a laborious task to fill my evening.

Sky box fellow

I gave my Mom the below framed string piece for her birthday. I measured items she liked or reminded me of her. Recently my parents have had sky installed and the sky box man is ‘a fan of contemporary art’ and he liked it, understood it and took a photograph of it on his mobile phone. I am so flattered that I might make him one. My mom thinks she’d be able to get in touch with him. Shall do this after the show.

Framed string piece

Detail from string piece

All the colours

I have just had my second attempt at spreadsheet art and I have realised that I like the idea of giving myself rules. This came as no surprise! This one I had to use all of the colours and I could only use them in certain orders. I am in the middle of creating one called ‘All borders’ where I have to used only borders to create a pattern. It is harder and less satisfying but I shall persevere.

spreadsheet 2

I have so much to do and make for ‘Finding Time’ which is very ironic. I am currently making a 4 week action plan. It reminds me of how much I used to thrive on making the revision timetable (colour coding and all), always at the expense of the revision. You would have thought I’d learnt.

100 balls of string

100 balls of string were delivered to me this week and now I can really get stuck into the work.

box of string

Getting anxious about the amount of time left but there’s no surprise there. 6 weeks and counting until Sherwood Arts Week. Made a week by week plan tonight which I will no doubt disobey.

I’m wondering how long I can wrap string around my hand for. The bigger the balls of string are, the more intricate they become. I would like to do it for a days work or a nights sleep. It’s a huge investment and stress on my body. May start with a film.